3D Scanning Examples

Our online 3D repository now includes over 2800 models of 3D data. Below, you'll find a selection of examples that showcase the diverse possibilities awaiting exploration.

the project

This project involved scanning various objects with the aim of:

  • Utilising 3D scanning technology to digitally preserve and explore significant artifacts across diverse disciplines.
  • Achieve preservation of artefacts, assess scanning capabilities, enhance learning outcomes, and provide teaching and learning resources.
  • Included artefacts ranging from historical numismatic treasures to botanical specimens, meticulously captured to enable detailed examination and analysis.

Some models shown here are from the UNEMA collections:

  • MA2020.3.199 Magazine Lantern
  • MA1960.29.1 Attic Tetradrachm
  • MA1960.16.1 Tetradrachm of Syracuse

All rights are reserved by the Unversity of New England.


See more examples on Pedestal3D

More resources

Children’s Family Resilience Programs Interactive Books

Marg Rogers
This award winning series of online books produced with the Early Childhood Defence Program team.

Smart Farm Filming

The UNE Smart Farm showcases innovative practices and technologies to inspire future students in shaping the future of agriculture.

Home Interaction Program for Parents & Youngsters

Somayeh Ba Akhlagh
HIPPY is an effective way to provide early-childhood learning in the home, and it delivers proven outcomes for children, families and the community.