Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
the project
The Globe Theatre project started as a proof of concept project that took a physical-based model in Armidale and scanned it with the Artec Spider to create a digital replica. The idea was to use those replicas to create learning artefacts and simulations. From this, we recreated the model based on the scans and were able to create 3 additional artefacts based around the Globe Theatre.

Making of the Globe
Theatre project
This video shows the process we took from the physical model, scanned with the Artec Spider then recreated in Blender for 3D reconstruction. In 2022 the Armidale Globe Theatre Digitisation Project commenced. A 3D structured light scan of the Armidale diorama was completed by Jackson Shoobert and animated digital models of the Globe Theatre were rendered by Raphael Roberts (UNE Learning Media Team).
Watch the making of video
Screen record sped up
Globe Theatre
This was the first artefact created with explored the timeline of the Globe Theatre through opening, burning down, re-opening, and the changes in what people believed about the shape of the Globe Theatre.
Check it out
The Heavens
A model of the heavens’ rigging system at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre provides a tangible exploration of the innovative theatrical techniques used to create celestial effects in Elizabethan drama.
The artefact we created was to explore the heavens with an interactive exploration of the heavens.

Globe Theatre
This artefact was loaded into another platform for self-discovery around the Globe Theatre with call outs with significant information.
Check it out